If you have read our new ‘About Us’ page, you have an idea of our vision and what we want to provide. To meet this vision we have created a subscription process to move you from beginner to a proficient automation controls specialist. What follows is a brief description of our subscription levels:

1.       Registered user – Allows the viewing of sample automation videos and access to the General forum.

Cost: Free


2.    Basic Access  – Access to all video libraries except past online web classes. In addition, access to self paced independent training programs.  Training programs will be video led instruction specific to the skills to be taught.  A training section designed to lead the student through the video instruction will be included as well as programming exercises.  One program review of course material is allowed each month.  Ability to post questions to the training forum for answers from our instructors is included.

Cost: $49.99 USD/month


4.   Full Access – Access to all video library material. In addition, access to self paced independent training programs.  Training programs will be video led instruction specific to the skills to be taught.  A training section designed to lead the student through the video instruction will be included as well as programming exercises.  Two program reviews of course material is allowed each month.  Access to past online web class videos is also incluced.  Ability to post questions to the training forum for answers from our instructors is included. 

Cost: $99.99 USD/month